Don't Trust The Maze Mac OS

s2parks wrote:

Explore the world of Mac. Check out MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, Mac mini, and more. Visit the Apple site to learn, buy, and get support. Drag your certificate into Keychain Access. Go into the Certificates section and locate the certificate you just added Double click on it, enter the trust section and under “When using this certificate” select “Always Trust” Et viola, now when viewing your website locally your certificate will be trusted.

I recently journeyed into the land of the light and am the brand new owner of a MacBook Pro. Having been a slave to PC's for WAY too long, I am clueless how the mac operates, but a VERY quick learner.

Don't Trust The Maze Mac Os 11


I am have downloaded an executable file that I need for work, but cannot seem to get it to launch to install my program. I know this is very elementary, but we all have to start somewhere.

Don't Trust The Maze Mac Os X

Thank you!

Don't Trust The Maze Mac Os Catalina


PS - this is only the first elementary question i will have, so if you have a good source for Mac beginners, please share. I haved purchased 'Macbook Pro - Portable Genius', but that seems to be more focused on visually arranging my computer.

Sorry to say this but now you will become a Slave to Apple and Mac OS X.

Actually there is very little difference between the 2 platforms.

As to the Executable file. Apple Mac OS X does not use Executable files (.exe). Those are for Windows based computers. Mac OS X uses .DMG files and .APP files. .DMG is the compressed format of a program which may come as just a DMG or a DMG wrapped up in a .ZIP file.

You would need to double click on a ZIP file to expand it to a DMG then double click on the DMG to expand it into a working .APP file and then drag it to the Applications folder. Some programs have installers that walk you through the process and others don't. With the ones that don't you need to physically Drag the .APP file to the Applications folder to install it. The ones that do kind of walk you through the process you will still need to drag the app icon to the Applications folder but that will be done in its own window.

Feb 6, 2012 8:03 AM